Results for 'Carlos Alberto Romero Piedrahita'

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  1.  43
    Elementos de diseño de sistemas de enfriamiento de motores de combustión interna.Carlos Alberto Romero Piedrahita, Carranza Sánchez & Yamid Alberto - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Evaluación de la capacidad térmica de un radiador de calor.Carlos Alberto Romero Piedrahita, Carranza Sánchez & Yamid Alberto - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Estudio teórico comparativo de características termodinámicas del desempeño de un motor de combustión operando con gasolina y con gas natural.Carranza Sánchez, Yamid Alberto & Carlos Alberto Romero Piedrahita - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Implementación y evaluación de un modelo de intervención grupal para personas con consumo problemático de drogas de la comunidad terapéutica padre Alberto Hurtado de Arica.Alejandro Cuadra Peralta, Romina Cousins Hurtubia, Juan Carlos Romero Romero & Ángeles Santibáñez Silva - 2008 - Límite 3 (18):109-133.
    El presente artículo tiene como propósito exponer la implementación y evaluación de un modelo de intervención grupal para personas con consumo problemático de drogas, el cual tiene como teoría de base la Biología de la Cognición y del Amar de Humberto Maturana. Hipotetizamos que mediante laimplementación de este modelo de terapia grupal disminuyen los niveles de depresión y ansiedad en las personas con consumo problemático de drogas. Es una investigación cuasi experimental pre-post con grupo de control, donde se exponen los (...)
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    Blooming in the ruins: how Mexican philosophy can guide us toward the good life.Carlos Alberto Sánchez - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book introduces readers to central concepts and ideas in Mexican philosophy. Couched in stories and anecdotes from the author's life, the book offers these concepts and ideas as orientations, recommendations, or exhortation for navigating today's world. The structure and the style of the book aims at making these accessible to both specialists and non-specialist or anyone who may have had some experience with contemporary forms of marginalization, alienation, objectification, or any of the various forms of dread and accidentality familiar (...)
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    Mexican philosophy for the 21st Century: relajo, zozobra, and other frameworks for understanding our world.Carlos Alberto Sánchez - 2023 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Introduction: Mexican Philosophy: What Is It and Why It Matters -- Relajo -- Nepantla -- Zozobra -- Corazonada -- Tik -- Figure of the World -- Mexistentialism.
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    O espírito histórico-filosófico do pensamento hisp'nico.Carlos Alberto Gomes - 2016 - Discusiones Filosóficas 17 (28):35-46.
    O pensamento filosófico hispânico na segunda metade do séc. XX, potenciou um processo de emancipação cultural e filosófica mais profundas, que destacaram o sentido e o alcance de uma utêntica filosofia, no continente sul-americano. Com tomada de consciência da circunstância americana o que está em causa, é a procura e busca de uma autenticidade da razão latino-americana, a qual na análise que desenvolvo, só terá sentido se integrada numa dinâmica de integração cultural. Esta deverá sempre partir das circunstâncias próprias, e (...)
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    An integrated vision of the Green Chemistry evolution along 25 years.Carlos Alberto Marques & Adelio A. S. C. Machado - 2021 - Foundations of Chemistry 23 (3):299-328.
    The objective of the present review on the evolution of Green Chemistry, since its emergence until 2016, aimed an integrated vision of its progress along the three phases of its development: emergence, divulgation and consolidation. The methodology involved the analysis of a selection of bibliography on the evolution of GC collected from issues of the ACS symposia series; editorials in specialized GC journals; and commemorative birthday papers/editorials of these journals and of the GC itself. The analysis allowed to identify and (...)
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  9.  21
    Contingency and commitment: Mexican existentialism and the place of philosophy.Carlos Alberto Sánchez - 2015 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Offers the first comprehensive survey of Mexican existentialism to appear in English. This book examines the emergence of existentialism in Mexico in the 1940s and the quest for a genuine Mexican philosophy that followed it. It focuses on the pivotal moments and key figures of the Hyperion group, including Emilio Uranga, Luis Villoro, Leopoldo Zea, and Jorge Portilla, who explored questions of interpretation, marginality, identity, and the role of philosophy. Carlos Alberto Sánchez was the first to introduce and (...)
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    A Sense of Brutality: Philosophy after Narco-Culture.Carlos Alberto Sánchez - 2020 - Sjsu Scholarworks.
    Contemporary popular culture is riddled with references to Mexican drug cartels, narcos, and drug trafficking. In the United States, documentary filmmakers, journalists, academics, and politicians have taken note of the increasing threats to our security coming from a subculture that appears to feed on murder and brutality while being fed by a romanticism about power and capital. Carlos Alberto Sánchez uses Mexican narco-culture as a point of departure for thinking about the nature and limits of violence, culture, and (...)
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  11. Caja de Chocolates.Carlos Alberto Cerda Gaitán - 2008 - A Parte Rei 59:13.
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    Paulo Freire: Voices and silences 1.Carlos Alberto Torres - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (13):2169-2179.
    Freire is one of the most powerful voices challenging the hegemony of bureaucratic and banking educational systems. His voice was particularly influential impacting revolutionary processes and progressive social movements while at the same time learning from their practices. However, some silences in his oeuvres requires further examination. In this article, we focus on the silences of Freire regarding education and its relationship with work and labor, gender issues, and citizenship building.
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    Towards a Phenomenology of Undocumented Immigrant Reason.Carlos Alberto Sánchez - 2022 - Puncta 5 (3):60-71.
    I offer a phenomenological description of undocumented immigrant reason, provisionally understood as a sort of historical reason grounded on undocumented immigrant life. That is, the categories of undocumented immigrant reason are resources for undocumented immigrant existence and are inscribed in the historical memory of immigration (they are shared and communal), accessed by immigrants in stories, anecdotes, and interpersonal trauma. Abstracting from personal experience, testimony, popular culture, and elsewhere, I propose a fragmentary list of these categories of undocumented immigrant reason, a (...)
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  14. Philosophy and The Post-Immigrant Fear.Carlos Alberto Sánchez - 2011 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 18 (1):31-42.
    This paper explores and expands upon Jorge Gracia's reasons for the apparent lack of Hispanics in US philosophy. The point is to explain the underrepresentation of Hispanics in philosophy, with a focus on a specific subgroup of Hispanics, namely, "homegrown" US Hispanics. This group wasentirely missing from the "established" ranks in Gracia's census. I propose a phenomenological explanation for this lack, rooted in my experience as ahomegrown US Hispanic. This experience gives rise to a sense of identity described as "post-immigrant." (...)
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    First Freire: early writings in social justice education.Carlos Alberto Torres - 2014 - New York: Teachers College Press, Teachers College Columbia University.
    In his new book, Carlos Alberto Torres, an internationally renowned critical theorist of education, explores the early writings of Paulo Freire whose ideas have had a tremendous and long-lasting impact on the world of pedagogy and politics. Torres analyzes Freire's works, from the 1960s and 1970s, before Freire gained worldwide recognition for his Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Offering an in-depth look into the formative thinking of Freire, Torres identifies how his ideas produced frameworks for educating global citizens, building (...)
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    ... Diálogo existencial.Carlos Alberto Erro - 1937 - Buenos Aires,: Sur.
    Una conversación con Heidegger.--Kierkegaard hablando sobre dios.--Don Miguel de Unamuno.
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    The Thought and Social Engagement in the Mexican-American Philosophy of John H. Haddox: A Collection of Critical Appreciations.Carlos Alberto Sánchez & Jules Simon (eds.) - 2010 - Edwin Mellen Press.
    Thought and Social Engagement in the Mexican-American Philosophy of John H. Haddox : A Collection of Critical Appreciations.
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    The gift of Mexican historicism.Carlos Alberto Sánchez - 2017 - Continental Philosophy Review 51 (3):439-457.
    The focus of this paper is Mexican historicism. It has three objectives: first, to introduce English-speaking readers to the nature and history of Mexican historicism; second, to defend Mexican historicism against the charges of relativism usually raised against historicism in general and “Mexican” philosophy in particular; and third, to argue for what I call the transcendental, or alternatively, “liberatory,” nature of Mexican historicism—a nature with philosophical and political consequences. The hope is that by making the clarifications and determinations made here, (...)
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    Camino pedagógico de crecimiento: de Familiaris consortio a Amoris laetitia: aporte a la teología moral fundamental.Carlos Alberto Scarponi - 2021 - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Agape Libros.
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  20. The political pedagogy of Paulo Freire1.Carlos Alberto Torres - 1993 - In Peter McLaren & Peter Leonard, Paulo Freire: a critical encounter. New York: Routledge.
  21. El problema de la unidad psico-orgánica de la realidad humana en X. Zubiri.Carlos Alberto Pose Varela - 2001 - Revista Agustiniana 42 (129):947-1024.
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    (M)existentialism.Carlos Alberto Sánchez - 2019 - The Philosophers' Magazine 84:82-88.
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  23. Elucidación por ejemplos.Carlos Alberto Cardona - 2001 - Universitas Philosophica 36:55-84.
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  24. Comparative education : the dialectics of globalization and its discontents.Carlos Alberto Torres - 2007 - In Robert F. Arnove & Carlos Alberto Torres, Comparative education: the dialectic of the global and the local. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    Intelección, sentimiento, valor.Carlos Alberto Pose Varela - 2009 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 36:279-292.
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    There is more to public health than just epidemiology (La salud pública es más que epidemiología).Carlos Alberto Rosas Jiménez - 2022 - Persona y Bioética 25 (2):2526-2526.
    One of the great challenges for students of any discipline is to be able to put into practice the knowledge learned in theory. Public health does not escape this challenge. Research Methods for Public Health is a book that seeks to help students understand in a simple way how to enter into the practice of public health research. This book stands out for its easy reading, but especially because it emphasizes the existence of quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as (...)
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    The Suspension of Seriousness: On the Phenomenology of Jorge Portilla, with a Translation of Fenomenología Del Relajo.Carlos Alberto Sánchez - 2012 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    First in-depth analysis of this important Mexican philosopher’s work.
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  28. On Documents and Subjectivity.Carlos Alberto Sánchez - 2011 - Radical Philosophy Review 14 (2):197-205.
  29. Hijos que no se Dan cuenta que son hijos: Una reflexión desde el personalismo.Carlos Alberto Rosas Jiménez - 2016 - Synesis 8 (1):54-64.
    La persona humana ha sido definida de muchas maneras a lo largo de la historia. Con el paso del tiempo, la reflexión filosófica, teológica, psicológica, antropológica, sociológica, histórica, etc, ha hecho grandes aportes a la comprensión de la persona humana y aportado otras definiciones. Nos hemos enfocado en las reflexiones que ha hecho el personalismo que sostiene que la persona humana es el centro y punto de partida de toda reflexión. De todas sus características, la persona humana es ante todo (...)
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    Accidentality? Thinking Alongside Mexican Existentialists.Carlos Alberto Sánchez, I. I. I. Roberto A. Carleo, Gregory E. Doukas & Imogen M. Sullivan - 2025 - Journal of World Philosophies 9 (2).
    _In this symposium, Roberto A. Carleo III, Gregory Doukas and Imogen M. Sullivan think alongside Carlos Alberto Sánchez about the contingency of human existence as it is understood in Mexican existentialism. They ask: Should the notion of a metaphysical substance be discarded altogether due to its misuse in the history of European philosophy? Or are there philosophical reasons to avoid ontological uncertainty by, for example, postulating the notion of a non-discrete substance? And if attempts to define human substantiality (...)
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    Programando microcontroladores PIC en lenguaje C.Carlos Alberto Henao & Edison Duque Cardona - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  32. Husserl’s Way to Authentic Being.Carlos Alberto Sanchez - 2007 - Human Studies 30 (4):377-393.
    In a journal entry from 1906, Husserl complains of lacking "internal stability" and of his desire to "achieve" it. My claim in this paper is that the "phenomenological method," which he made public in his 1907 lectures "Die Idee der Phänomenologie" was, and is, a means to achieve the inner harmony that Husserl longed for. I do not provide an analysis of why Husserl might have felt the way he did; my aim is to show what internal stability might be (...)
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    La universalidad de la metáfora en el arte.Carlos Alberto Ospina Herrera - 2010 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 41:181-200.
    Este trabajo defenderá la universalidad de la metáfora en arte (Arthur Danto), contra quienes piensan (Davidson, Carrol, Vilar) que en él la atribución de propiedades expresivas es literal y no metafórica. Se defiende la tesis de que la metáfora artística es como un símbolo tensivo que apunta a significados (epífora) y al mismo tiempo crea presencia (diáfora). Gracias a ambos elementos el arte crea presencia, crea realidad o transfigura lo usual y le otorga súbitas y asombrosas posibilidades de presencia, a (...)
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  34. La lotta finale.Carlo Alberto Agnoli - 1971 - Bologna,: Ponte nuovo.
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    El problema de la libertad en X. Zubiri.Carlos Alberto Pose Varela - 2001 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 28:191-192.
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  36. Discutindo avaliação educacional no curso de pedagogia da universidade federal de sergipe.Carlos Alberto Vasconcelos - 2013 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 3 (5):77-91.
    Apresenta-­se neste trabalho, um relato de experiência vivenciada na disciplina Avaliação Educacional, ministrada no 2o semestre de 2012 para formandos do curso de pedagogia. No início das aulas aplicamos uma sondagem para entender o perfil das turmas. Durante o transcorrer do curso utilizamos, além do material livresco, depoimentos dos alunos e vídeos que tratam da temática. Discutiram­-se conceitos epistemológicos, expoentes da avaliação, formas de avaliar e correlatos. Ao término, fizemos uma avaliação subjetiva/individual para detectar as contribuições que as discussões trabalhadas (...)
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  37. Religión, política e identidad colectiva: ¿un problema nuevo en el siglo XXI?Carlos Alberto Patiño Villa - 2006 - Arbor 182 (722):763-773.
    En este artículo se presenta una visión de cómo el mundo Occidental ha sido despertado del llamado sueño de la “modernidad”, en el que se parte de la base de la construcción de valores como la secularidad, el laicismo, la competencia económica, el desempeño militar, entre otros. Y cómo a este despertar ha contribuido, en gran parte, la religión, vista por algunos intelectuales como los vestigios del mundo tradicional. En este sentido, en el artículo es posible afirmar que la religión (...)
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    Educação para a humanização na perspectiva da ética da alteridade.Carlos Alberto Tolovi, João Batista de Albuquerque Figueiredo & Francione Charapa Alves - 2022 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 27:022021.
    Uma das questões que desafia educadores e educador@s [1], inserid@s no campo da relação que envolve os processos de ensino e de aprendizagem, consiste no papel da educação do ponto de vista da vida em sociedade. E uma resposta aceita de forma genérica aponta para a dimensão da humanização. Questiona-se: até que ponto a relação educativa possui a capacidade e potencialidade de humanizar? Como relacionar a construção do conhecimento à perspectiva de valoração que promova a sociabilidade humana? A partir destes (...)
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    Sanación holística.Carlos Alberto Rosas Jiménez - 2024 - Persona y Bioética 28 (1):e2812.
    Independientemente de qué considere cada persona como saludable, lo más seguro es que cualquiera de nosotros quiera vivir una vida sin molestias ni dolores. De alguna manera todos queremos bienestar. Pues bien, el libro _Holistic Healing _editado por Peter A. Dunn nos presenta diferentes teorías, prácticas y el cambio social que estas traen consigo. Para algunos sectores y personas del ámbito de la salud, el término “holístico” puede causar desconfianza, recelo o simplemente indiferencia, ya que el término “holístico” ha sido (...)
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    Esperanza Santos y José Carlos Bermejo. Counselling y cuidados paliativos. Bilbao: Desclée de Brouwer-Centro de Humanización de la Salud, 2015, 164 pp. ISBN: 978-84-330-2786-3. [REVIEW]Carlos Alberto Rosas Jiménez - 2019 - Persona y Bioética 23 (1).
    Counselling y cuidados paliativos es el título del libro que conjuntamente decidieron escribir la doctora Esperanza Santos y el profesor José Carlos Bermejo. En esta obra de fácil lectura y con consejos muy prácticos y útiles, se presentan elementos fundamentales para brindar un acompañamiento de óptima calidad en el cuidado paliativo, así como la posibilidad de hacer un autoexamen de cómo los cuidadores de los pacientes vienen prestando sus servicios e incluso para no caer en burnout. Este libro es (...)
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    Existe Um Pensamento Informacional Ibero-Americano?Carlos Alberto Ávila Araújo - 2018 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 4 (2):31-55.
    O objetivo do texto é problematizar a existência de um possível pensamento informacional ibero-americano. Para tanto, inicialmente constata-se uma relativa ausência da Ibero-América nas apresentações e mapeamentos internacionais da ciência da informação. A seguir, é discutida a realidade dos 22 países que compõem a Ibero-América, região que pode ser compreendida a partir de uma perspectiva sociocultural e geopolítica. Logo após, é feito um panorama, ainda em estágio inicial, das pesquisas em ciência da informação destes países, ressaltando-se a necessidade de continuidade (...)
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  42. Satanás y sus huestes en Efesios: Un acercamiento exegético y teológico.Carlos Alberto López - 2010 - Kairos (misc) 47:33-46.
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  43. Normalizing Latin American philosophy.Carlos Alberto Sánchez - 2011 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 30 (2):175-186.
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    The Phenomenology of Brutality.Carlos Alberto Sánchez - 2021 - Radical Philosophy Review 24 (2):247-260.
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    ""Reseña de "Wittgenstein y la autonomía de la voluntad: la presencia del pragmatismo", Revista de Filosofía 56" de Quintanilla, Pablo.Carlos Alberto Cardona Suárez - 2009 - Ideas Y Valores 58 (141):251-256.
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    Tres modelos de explicación de la refracción: Bacon, Pecham, Witelo.Carlos Alberto Cardona Suárez - 2012 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 29 (2):449-480.
    El artículo examina tres propuestas de explicación del fenómeno de refracción de la luz formuladas por los pensadores medievales Roger Bacon, John Pecham y Erazmus Ciolek Witelo. Se muestra, en el caso de Bacon, que la explicación estaba soportada en una metafísica de la propagación de los poderes causales y anidaba un conflicto insalvable. En el caso de Pecham se muestra un mayor compromiso con la necesidad de una ley cuantitativa que, desafortunadamente, conduce a una explicación frustrada. Finalmente, se valora (...)
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    Generosity: Variations on a theme from Aristotle to Levinas.Carlos Alberto Sanchez - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (3):442-453.
    This paper traces the concept and phenomenon of generosity from Aristotle to Emannuel Levinas and beyond. The question motivating this investigation is: must the generous act be restricted by a rational calculation of correct, or prudent, giving? Answers to this question vary. Aristotle and Kant would answer in the affirmative, while Emerson and Levinas would not. The bulk of this paper is dedicated to Levinas's characterization of excessive generosity as a condition for the fundamental ethical relation, namely, the generous welcome (...)
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  48. Il pensiero politico di Pellegrino Rossi di fronte ai problemi del Risorgimento italiano.Carlo Alberto Biggini - 1937 - Roma: Vittoriano.
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    Consideraciones acerca de los fundamentos epistemológicos en la Teoría de los intereses cognitivos.Carlos Alberto Merlo - 2007 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 4.
    Consideraciones acerca de los fundamentos epistemológicos en la Teoría de los intereses cognitivos.
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    Commentary 1: Journalism, puritan paranoia, and political correctness.Carlos Alberto Montaner - 2008 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 23 (2):161 – 164.
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